Growing up, I knew prayer was important and something that we should do everyday. I will always be thankful to my parents for striving to help me understand how as Christians we must pray, as that is when circumstances can change.
My mother especially used to pray with me and my little sister before we went to sleep. You know prayer must always be central to our lifestyle. We should be praying constantly, just like it says in the bible.
1 Thessalonians 5:17
‘Pray without ceasing.’
One thing I’ve been pushed by the spirit to talk about is how prayer can sometimes be something we forget to do. You know I’ve done it and it’s so easy to say “I’ll pray for you” but then forget to.
So, Prayer in a way can sometimes become a last resort, however, it most definitely should be our first resort. Even before situations arise we should be praying that God will help us and pour out His strength and wisdom whenever certain moments come. We should most definitely be praying for our futures. Because we will then be emotionally, mentally and spiritually prepared.
Prayer should never be pushed to the side or wait for later. It should always be a case of praying right in the moment.
When someone tells you they are struggling, pray. When you see something on social media that is not okay, pray. When you receive food or drink, pray. When you wake up and before you go to bed, pray. By praying we are trusting God that he is in control.
One thing that happened in my life that increased the importance of prayer was when my dad got cancer. I was 12 years old. It was scary but I knew I had to pray. It amazes me that God can use certain situations in our life as a turning point in our faith, especially through prayer! One bible verse that I always hold onto in times of uncertainty is Joshua 1:9.
Joshua 1:9
‘Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid. Do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.’
Friends, God is in control. Of everything. Anything you can think of, God has already got a plan sorted out. Therefore, we should be bold and have courage because we know who is leading the way.
The last few months have been difficult for all of us in many ways but I want to assure you that however you are feeling, prayer is the answer. Spending time with God should always come first.
You know I never prioritised prayer when I was younger, especially in my teens but going through scary circumstances and praying through them has pulled me out of that way of thinking. Prayer has become something special to me over the last few years because it has helped me to grow in confidence, and grow in becoming the woman that God has created me to be.
Prayer is beautiful and helps us to give every worry, fear, anxiety, problem, and concern over to God. Prayer enhances our faith and makes us stronger.
Well, why do you pray you ask??
Prayer is a way Christians talk to God. It is simply a conversation with Him. You don’t have to say certain words or sentences together in order to be in His presence! This actually blows my mind! Like how awesome is that? God wants you to speak to Him.
I want you to know that Prayer is powerful. Prayer can change our circumstances. Prayer helps us to grow. And without a doubt Prayer brings us into the presence of Jesus. There is no place I would rather be than with Him.
Prayer can sometimes feel daunting if you haven’t done it before but I assure you it is wonderful. For those of you who are like me and you aren't sure where to start. There is a great prayer app for reminders. I have used this and it is great, especially if you have busy work schedules or have a bad memory like myself.
The app is called ‘Prayminder’.
You can download it on any device and I would really recommend growing in your prayer life by using this. Especially, as a constant reminder that wherever we are we can step into conversation with God.
James 5:16
‘The prayer of a righteous person, is powerful and effective.’
We need Jesus, everyday. Not just when we think we need him and certainly not just when life isn’t going the way we planned.
Prayer has kingdom value and we should never take spending time with our father for granted. He loves us and His spirit lives inside us! We can do ALL THINGS with God who strengthens us.
So, let’s become more prayerful and I promise you it will be a great decision! God will move through you and work through you for the greater good!